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Modern Work Space

Business Consulting

Take Control of Your Success

As a business consultant with over 12 years of experience advising small business CEOs, I understand the accountability, support, and personalized planning that each business owner needs. My consulting services provide you with someone to bounce ideas off of and challenge you to reach your goals. I'm committed to working closely with you, hand in hand, to ensure your business's growth and success.

3 Mistakes CEOs Make that Lead to Profit Loss

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Goal Setting

Business owners often make the mistake of not setting goals, which can lead to burnout, boredom, or feeling directionless. Without clear objectives, it's challenging to know where to focus your time and resources. Setting goals can help establish boundaries and guide decision-making.


Time Management

A common obstacle that business owners share is poor time management. By not scheduling your schedule and budgeting your time like you budget your money, you may find yourself wondering where the month went and why your list of "To Dos" is not a list of "Got Dones".


Financial Management

It's crucial to make your money work for you instead of the other way around. Set a budget, stick to it, and be aware when adjustments need to be made to ensure your business stays financially healthy. The word "budget" should never be a scary word for a business owner - if it is, we can help!

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